Workshop for supervisors

The first workshop for supervisors that will be organised just before the next EST congress in Stellenbosch in South Africa and will be led by Professor Anthony Pym.

The title of the workshop is How to supervise doctoral research on translation and interpreting?

  • It will be intended for supervisors or potential supervisors of doctoral candidates.
  • It will consist of two seminars of 90 minutes each.

The seminar will present:

  • culturally different modes of supervisor-candidate relations
  • identify common problems;
  • identify problems in some way specific to translation and interpreting (especially as involving cross-cultural relationships);
  • address the ethical aims of the supervisor-candidate relationship;
  • identify other traps that supervisors can fall into;
  • provide guidance when not to supervise;
  • and stress the overriding need for contractual clarity.

The workshop will also consist of a group work on real-world cases of problematic doctoral students and/or problematic research designs. Each group will decide how the supervisor should react; the various decisions will be compared and discussed; the real-world outcomes will then be revealed.

The participation at the workshop for all supervisors from the members of ID-TS network is free of charge.

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2 Responses to Workshop for supervisors

  1. Hi,

    It sounds like a great workshiop. Will non-members of ID-TS at the conference be able to attend? We do not have a PhD program at my institution yet, but I find the workshop very interesting.

    Thank you for organizing this,


    • Nike Kocijančič Pokorn says:

      Hi Eloisa,

      also non-members of ID-TS network may attend the conference – the only difference is that ID-TS members can participate without paying the fee. You are most welcome.

      Best wishes,

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