TS Research Skills

  • Read and analyze critically the literature in Translation Studies and evaluate findings (read about the same topics researched using different methods; read about different topics researched using the same methods)
  • Be open to research in one’s own and other areas of Translation Studies
  • Be critical of Translation Studies scholars, schools and trends
  • Be familiar with and evaluate Translation Studies research that uses different methods
  • Understand and apply the current metalanguages of Translation Studies; clarify basic terms; provide working definitions
  • Resolve complex problems in an interdisciplinary context
  • Understand and apply research techniques relevant to the doctoral research project
  • Have knowledge of (and apply as appropriate) current language technologies to carry out projects
  • Understand and apply methods relevant to new developments in Translation Studies
  • Appreciate standards of good research practice in Translation Studies
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the research project to Translation Studies
  • Demonstrate an awareness of and appreciation for languages and translation in its various forms